The Magic Link

Using the Magic Link, you can send processes to an external person for viewing.

What is the Magic Link?

You can allow external persons - even outside the Valuedesk software - to view individual processes. To do this, you create a Magic Link that you can then share with the selected person using other forms of communication (e.g., e-mail). Through this link, the persons will be able to view processes. No login data is required for this. It is not possible for the persons to change the process.

How to create a Magic Link?

Only the person responsible for the process can create a Magic Link. Proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the process you want to share
  2. Click on Share
  3. Select "Share with external people"
  4. Copy the link and forward it to the desired person

As soon as the person clicks on the link, he or she is taken to the view mode of the process. The view mode can be recognized by the fact that all fields on the left side are grayed out.

ATTENTION: The person receives insights into all areas of the measure. Thus, he or she can also view comments and uploaded documents. It is also possible to download the documents.

NOTE: A Magic Link has no expiration date. As long as the "Share with external people" function is enabled, the Magic Link is valid. A newly generated link replaces an existing link, so access is guaranteed only with a current link.