What is Mail-2-Measure (M2M)?

Mail-2-Measure (M2M) offers you the possibility to record measures by sending an e-mail. From anywhere, without login.

What is M2M?

The Mail-2-Measure function was developed for connecting persons without their own Valuedesk access (login). This includes people from within the company as well as external stakeholders, such as suppliers or customers. With Mail-2-Measure access, they can easily send ideas to the Valuedesk platform via e-mail.

How can I submit an idea about M2M?

To submit an idea through Mail-2-Measure, send an email to the company's Mail-2-Measure email address.

Where can I find the Mail-2-Measure email address?

Ask the users with login for the Mail-2-Measure email address. This is located on the news page on the right side.

How do I compose the email correctly?

  1. Enter the Mail-2-Measure email provided by the company as the recipient of the email
  2. Enter the title of the idea in the subject line
  3. In the text part, write the description of the idea
  4. Send the e-mail
  5. The idea appears in the company's system with the reference to the sender (visibility: visible)

HINT: The e-mails are automatically saved as a measure. Therefore, please note that one idea is submitted per e-mail.

NOTE: The person who submitted the idea will be automatically notified by email through the implementation process whenever a next level of hardship is completed or the measures are discarded.