Changelog - Valuedesk Releases and Updates

Here you get information about all changes and releases of Valuedesk (English only).


Features and Improvements

  • Updated run up widgets to show targets and the gap to target even when the current filter or scope matches no process data. This allows users to see their objectives, unlike the previous behaviour where an empty run up would display a "No data" message. Now, the "No data" message is only shown when neither targets nor process data are available.
  • Added a search field to the Admin Partner Table (in some cases Admin Supplier Table), allowing administrators to easily search, find, and manage entries.


  • Fixed a bug that led to an “Internal Server Error” when users were trying to filter date columns with the “Is not set” condition.
  • Fixed a visual bug where unavailable options, such as claiming a process, were incorrectly presented to users. Although the validation prevented these actions, attempting them resulted in an error message.
  • Fixed a bug where changes to the level start and due dates sometimes saved only the year instead of the full date in the level history.
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to complete a level if start and due dates were mandatory but missing in previous levels. The completion check now ensures all current levels have valid start and due dates in logical order, without checking previous levels.


Features and Improvements

  • Enhanced the tree navigation and selection experience across all views, making it easier for users to expand nodes, search, and select items with clearer visuals and flexible input options.

  • The widget type is now displayed in both the widget settings and the widget itself, making it easier for all users (including those accessing shared read-only dashboards) to identify the widget type by hovering over the info icon or opening the settings.

  • Improved the error message that is shown when a user tries to adjust or complete a level that has already been completed.

  • Added the possibility to delete effects during data import by using a dedicated symbol ("x", case-insensitive), allowing users to keep their measures up to date and accurate.

  • Moved all permissions from "Admin → Groups" to the "Admin → Permissions" section and converted them to access control list (ACL) rules, providing administrators with more fine-grained control over permission settings. Group names, descriptions, and visibility can still be configured in the "Admin → Groups" section.


  • Fixed a visual bug where tooltips sometimes stayed visible even after scrolling away from the item they were attached to.
  • Fix a bug where changing the ValueStream of a measure results in a crash when the measure is visited in the same session afterwards.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a global error in the “Standard” process grid view when rapidly selecting multiple ValueStreams.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the list of selectable deciders to show users who were not responsible for a process but had the self-decision permission, even though they could not decide. Now, only the responsible person with self-decision can be selected, without changing the behaviour for users who have the permission to always decide.
  • Fixed a bug where the list of deciders included users who could not see the ValueStream of the current measure, which caused an error when selecting them.


Features and Improvements

  • When a users attempt to save an already existing effect combination, the save button is now disabled, and a hint is shown.
  • The permissions to create new partners from within a process and accessing the administration page have been moved from “Administration > Groups” to “Administration > Permissions”


  • Fixed a bug where date fields for levels of non-accessible Valuestreams were incorrectly visible in column and filter selections.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented resizing of columns in the admin user table.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the global create button to become non-functional on the opportunities page after creating an opportunity. Users were unable to create another resource using the same button without reloading the page or using the local create opportunity button.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented inviting new users even when open contributor seats were available.
  • Fixed a bug causing effect dates to display with a one-day offset due to a timezone issue, and resolved an issue with the date picker that prevented selecting valid dates.
  • Fixed a bug where waterfall bars displayed incorrect sums when the attribute was a scope field. The drilldown showed correct values, but the aggregation logic was faulty, causing the sums in the waterfall bars to be inaccurate.


Features and Improvements

  • Add due dates, start dates and completion dates of levels to CSV export

  • Make it possible to view the comment a decider added on a decision after the decision level was approved

  • Moved access related permission management from “Admin → Groups” to “Admin → Permissions” section 

  • Improve performance for customers with many Valuestreams


  • Make invite user email check case insensitive in frontend
  • Remove the possibility to convert completed measure into another Valuestream
  • Only allow creation of new measures in Valuestreams with a method field via Method Explorer


Features and Improvements

  • Administrators can now see a user's tier directly in the group management view.
  • Additional fields in opportunities are now grouped in a section that is collapsable.
  • Added an option in the CSV export dialog to include a link column, allowing users to directly open the process from the exported file.
  • Added a tooltip to the dashboard access icon to indicate when a dashboard is only visible to the user.


  • Fixed an issue where the responsible person could be changed in the measure despite the measure being closed, which led to an error.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the legend to be displayed incorrectly in some charts or to overlap with the chart.
  • Fixed a bug with not resolved history entries for changes by Valuedesk-System user.
  • Fixed a bug where the dashboard and process access dialogs displayed "Unknown user" instead of the display name of a disabled user.
  • Fixed a bug where an error notification appeared when opening an activity, despite no error occurring.
  • Fixed a bug where users without access to process could see the “last seen processes” item in the news feed view.
  • Fixed a bug where effect category history was not accessible via calculation table.
  • Fixed a bug where the method explorer UI allowed process creation on invalid ValueStreams, resulting in errors.
  • User lists in the admin group management view are now correctly sorted alphabetically by their display name.


Features and Improvements

  • Improved visibility of selected filters in the Opportunities Matrix when opening the widget configuration of a shared dashboard.
  • Admins can now change a process's Value Stream. Fields missing in the target Value Stream will be deleted. Processes can only move to valid target Value Streams with similar level configurations.
  • (Visual) The label layout of the scope configuration in the process desk and grid view is now streamlined with the other labels. Additionally, the scope configuration in the widget configuration dialogs no longer has duplicate labels.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the page title of the import page to be incorrect.
  • Fixed some visual bugs in the shared dashboard widget configurations.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from copying processes despite having the correct permissions.


Features and Improvements

  • The “Request” button in decision levels is now disabled when the selected decider has no access to the measure


  • Fixed a bug that enabled notifications for a measure again after the user disabled them explicitly
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in no entries being created in the measure history if the access had changed
  • Fixed a visual bug in the measure access dialog that showed a decider with “View” instead of “Edit” permission
  • Fixed a bug in the start and due date selection of a level where it was not possible to set the same date for start and end when the dates were empty


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to create a copy of process
  • Add the possibility to make level start and due dates mandatory to complete the first level. This will help to ensure a more stringent measure implementation plan from the outset
  • Improved legend handling for stacked charts with many entries, allowing users to expand or collapse the legend to save space and focus on the chart.


  • Fix deactivated users being available in access dialog.
  • Fix “Deleted Users” entries in “Editing Users” column of process grids.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused flickering when loading some pages in some situations.


Features and Improvements

  • Decision gates in Valuestreams can now be configured to lock previous calculations on completion.
  • Show enforced but not yet setup Two Factor Authentication in admin user table
  • Show full group path in Dashboard and Process access dialog


  • Fix automagical switch of user tier when inviting another user
  • Prevent filter reset of admin user table while editing a user
  • Fix actions available for selection on measures in the admin area based on the current status of the measure
  • Fix saving of page size in process grid views
  • Fix empty monthly potential columns in csv exports when the user timezone leads to a different localized date


Features and Improvements

  • Added a new feature that allows administrators to configure the color used by the White Spot Matrix
  • Added status badges and avatars for deactivated users in the user group management view for easier user identification
  • Added a new Waterfall Widget that allows creating a waterfall chart based on the potential and configured field values


  • Users are no longer incorrectly removed from the system-managed “Full Users” group if they are edited by an admin or themself are changing user settings
  • Fixed a bug with resizing “sign-on” column in admin section
  • Fixed hint for shared dashboards always being shown
  • Fixed wrong info tooltip about time range in effectiveness filter
  • Fixed disabled save button in opportunity after description change
  • Fix empty “Groups with direct access” column in measure tables and csv exports
  • Fix inheritance for visibility changes on groups


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to add user groups to measures with read or write permissions to make it easier to precisely add larger quantities of users. While doing this, we removed the visibility setting "company wide" as it was misleading in the past. Instead, it is now possible to configure a group of users in the admin section that will automatically gain access after completion of the first level. To maintain the old behaviour, we created a group of users that were allowed to edit measures that were shared with the old setting and set this user group as the default group that will gain access after level one completion. Furthermore, we added a system managed group of all Full Users.
  • Enhance your sharing experience by introducing the feature to hide groups within the dashboard and measures share dialog.
  • Add the possibility to reorder tree nodes in the admin area. This will also affect the order of nodes inside selection fields. Furthermore, we added a feature to sort the bars in the process bar chart widget and the fields in the "White Spot Matrix" widgets by this order when a tree field is configured on the relevant axis.
  • Show the Dashboard navigation bar when a dashboard is not accessible, so the user can switch to a dashboard that can be shown instead of only showing that the dashboard is not accessible.
  • Add the possibility to filter measures by the groups that can read a measure to find all measures where a certain user group is involved.
  • Improve the performance of access checks in the application by caching the group structure. This will result in a maximum of 2 minutes until all group changes made by admins are propagated in the whole application.
  • Add a new two-column access dialog to configure which users and groups have access to a dashboard or measure more easily.
  • Add a new action in admin process view to change the responsibility of multiple measures at once. Responsibility can only be given to users that have access to the valuestreams of the selected processes and are allowed to be responsible for processes.
  • Add default filter to open processes for activity list widget templates.
  • Updated and streamlined shadows of all UI components for differentiation of elevated components like modal and popover components.
  • Added the possibility to view the configured scope of read-only widgets on a shared dashboard.
  • Add the dashboard id in the admin permissions section to better identify the correct dashboards.


  • Display the full tree path in the calculation level table to provide users with more information about the selected value.
  • Correct a bug that caused new users to land on the oldest shared dashboard they have access to, instead of their own dashboard, on their first visit.
  • Rectify a bug that resulted in all new users being created with a default English language setting, even when the admin selected German.
  • Amend some inconsistent labels in the admin permissions view to enhance understanding.
  • Fix the error that caused incorrect dashboard owners to be displayed on other users' dashboards.
  • Pagination in admin permissions area is now correctly reset if the list of permissions changes (eg. when applying filters).
  • Users can now be added as assignee on activities of processes that are already completed.
  • Added a missing translation for the status history entry of a completed process that is discarded.
  • Fix an error when adding due dates in non-UTC timezones
  • Fix an issue where Ideators without permission on processes were able to see the “Show process” button in converted Opportunities
  • Fix the “Show process” button being shown when viewing the Opportunity a process was converted from inside the process


Features and Improvements

  • Add live bar for the current week in the “Weekly Funnel Status” Widget
  • Add the possibility to sort by field value order of tree fields in White Spot widgets and Custom bar charts
  • Add a hint for dashboard viewer that the visible measures may be different for other users
  • Add the possibility for hints at the last level when a user is not allowed to close the measure


Features and Improvements

  • Improve tooltip in Weekly Funnel Status widget and separate the sums for levels and flightpaths
  • Add possibility to “Custom Bar Chart” and “White Spot Matrix” to order the bars by the order of field values (as they appear in the select menus)


  • Reset page when switching between archived and visible measures in admin section
  • Fix scroll behaviour in “Add Widget” dialog on smaller screens
  • Fix a bug that lead to wrong total sums in tooltips of some widgets
  • Prevent error toast in feed when a feed entry to a measure is loaded where the user lost access to the measure
  • Fix errors in the Method Explorer when a default field is not in use by a customer


Features and Improvements

  • Add a readonly dashboard access dialog to see who has access to a dashboard besides yourself
  • Improve check before adding a new supplier/partner inside a measure to prevent duplicates
  • Add ACL support for measures to enable the possibility to add groups to measures in a next step
  • Improve handling of network errors
  • Harmonisation of the target display in all widgets


  • Select all checkbox in admin measures only selects the measures of the current page to minimize accidental bulk operations on all measures


Features and Improvements

  • Improve visibility of target lines in widgets when the target was reached
  • Show the owner of a dashboard in the dashboard bar
  • Improve target entering in the “Project Progress Widget”



  • Temporarily disabled validation of effect attributes in effect category dialog to improve performance with large data sets. Duplicate check on creation and update is unaffected by this change.


Features and Improvements

  • Make it possible to categorize recurring and one time savings directly in the effects for the project progress widget
  • Add “Last Viewed” section in the dashboard selection


  • Fix a bug that prevented the hint that the start of effectiveness is before the activity due date to be shown



  • Fix a bug that new users can’t access their own dashboard and run into an error if no dashboard is accessible


Features and Improvements

  • Updated the default configuration of the weekly level progression widget to not include discarded processes


  • Fixed a bug that the search did not included the process description field
  • Fixed a bug that caused the CSV export button to be activated even though not all data had been loaded yet, resulting in incomplete exports in certain cases
  • Fixed a bug where filter conditions in some widgets were not correctly applied when using multiple values in combination with “In, Not in, Equals, Not equals” conditions
  • Fixed a bug that lead to a broken client app when removing groups in the admin “invite members” dialog
  • Fixed some visual bugs
    • In the weekly level progression widget, the flightpaths in the widget popup are now displayed with the correct image
    • Some hints had borders that they should not have
    • Reactions in the opportunities view were not directly visible when a user reacted


Features and Improvements

  • Added the possibility to filter the Weekly Funnel Widget by status (and updated the Weekly Funnel Widget template to filter out discarded processes)
  • Added some error validations for lists in generated excel templates


  • Fixed a bug that led to visual errors in the feed when adding an image with transparency to a process
  • Fixed the flight path icon in the Weekly Funnel Widget tooltip


Features and Improvements

  • Redesigned dashboard navigation and added the ability to share dashboards with specific people or groups. (To share a dashboard with everyone, you can use the "Company Wide" group)
  • Updated the descriptions of the Project Progress Widget and added a hint what are and how to configure recurring and one-off effects
  • Improved accessibility through slight adjustment of some grey tones


  • Fixed a bug where targets in the Process Bar Chart Widget were added to charts aggregated by count
  • Fixed a bug that caused some selections to be reset when editing an opportunity
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error message when canceling an upload when using Mozilla Firefox


Features and Improvements

  • Add targets in the Project Progress Widget
  • Improve order of widgets in the “Add Widget” dialog and add a search field


  • Fix a bug that led to wrong users being shown that discarded a measure after the decision level
  • Add missing default filter for the Project Progress Widget
  • Fix timestamp and discard statement when documenting a decision and discarding a measure


Features and Improvements

  • Added a new widget that shows the progress of a project based on a custom configured time period
  • Allow to filter on Valuestreams in widgets with historical data


  • Fixed a bug that occurred when opening a search result while the user was on a process detail page
  • Fixed a bug that made process views company wide visible when created if a company wide view was opened
  • Fix a crash that occurred when working with multiple Valuestreams that share the same tree as an effect field


Features and Improvements

  • Added a new widget that shows the weekly progress of the funnel (the values are saved automatically every week). This widget also allows drawing a flight path for each level (a flight path is represented by a mathemtical formula that can be added in the widget configuration)
  • Add the possibility to save the current potential or process count of a widget as reference values and display the delta between the reference values and the actual
  • Added the possibility to change the representation of the process bar chart to a relative representation (100% bars)
  • Changed the behaviour of how sums are displayed in the widgets. Now the total from the tooltip is displayed instead of a separate value for positive and negative sections. In addition, the totals are now always displayed at the top of a bar - or in horizontal widgets, they are now always displayed on the right
  • Added a group that includes all active users (this group updates automatically when new users are added or existing users are deactivated or deleted)
  • Filters in the opportunity space now wrap when there is not enough space left
  • Improve visibility of liked opportunities


  • Fixed a bug that prevented admins from resetting the dashboard colors to default colors
  • Fixed a bug that made a person that converted an opportunity into a process the responsible of all levels instead of the person that was selected as responsible
  • Fixed a bug that led sometimes to missing data in the CSV export dialog after filtering the process table


Features and Improvements

  • Make field for target assignments searchable in process bar chart


  • Fix a bug that crashed the application when double clicking on measure links in drill down tables
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to update your profile when at least one field is empty
  • Fix a bug that made it possible to create duplicate effect assignments
  • Fix a bug that led to new users without activated default notifications
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to reactivate users


Features and Improvements

  • Allow individual targets to be configured in custom bar charts
  • Group Tiers are replaced by User Tiers


  • Fixed a Bug where read permission on measure did not allow commenting activities
  • Fixed a Bug where Valuestreams wouldn't get resolved in the permission admin area
  • Fixed a Bug where access control showed wrong hint coming from a protected view
  • Fixed a Bug where admin user area showed users to be directly in parent groups while they were only in sub groups
  • Fixed a Bug where an error occurred when double-clicking in "change measure owner" dialog
  • Fixed a Bug where the discard reason was not displayed in the text field
  • Fixed a Bug where visiting a deep URL with an outdated browser resulted in infinite redirects
  • Fixed a Bug where MailReply on opportunities did not work
  • Fixed a Bug where mail notifications for opportunity comments without a mentioned user were not functioning correctly
  • Fixed a Bug where an error occurred on page reload while uploading


Features and Improvements

  • Switch from group tiers to user tiers


  • Fix a bug where it wasn’t possible to comment on an activity even though it was possible to comment on the measure
  • Fix a wrong hint in the measure access dialog when a measure is shared via link
  • Fix a bug that made the discard statement invisible in the discard dialog when the editor lost focus
  • Fix a bug where the process pulse led to errors in certain situations
  • Fix an infinite redirect when accessing Valuedesk with outdated browsers
  • Fix a bug that allowed to create duplicate filters with the same name in our frontend
  • Fix a bug that occurred when a user that can comment on a measure was made decider
  • Fix a bug that occurred a user tried to change the measure owner multiple times in a very short timeframe
  • Fix resolving of Valuestreams in admin section
  • Fix No mail notifications for opp comments without a mentioned user
  • Fix resolving of assigned groups in admin section for users


Features and Improvements

  • New admin section to configure the visibility rights on Valuestreams
  • Admins can set customized dashboard colors
  • Adjustable axis values in bar charts to make widgets easier to compare
  • ‘My Dashboard’ can not be set to company visibility anymore
  • The funnel chart widget now allows the selection of multiple Valuestreams at once
  • Target overachievements are now also visible in our bar charts
  • Optimize cropping and image display in the feed
  • Abbreviate images in the feed when they get to big
  • Made the excel import a bit more robust against errors in the excel file
  • Made the sign-ins menu available for all admins
  • Improve the invitation mail for users with SSO


  • Fix a few grammar mistakes in our texts
  • Fix a validation error in our activities widget that made it impossible to filter unassigned tasks
  • Fix a bug that led to flickering when hovering over the ‘Further options’ menu of a measure
  • Fix inconsistent header heights in admin section
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to clear fields in the user profile
  • Fix a bug that led to wrong currency codes in the total value column of the calculation table
  • Fix the mail reply feature for opportunities


Features and Improvements

  • Improved the input of IDs in the filter configuration
  • Renamed “Annual Goal” in the classic run up to “Target” for consistency
  • Introduced new group tiers Ideator and Admin
  • Hide company wide dashboards of inactive or deleted users


  • Fixed a bug that showed that a permission was inherited although it was on a top level group
  • Fixed a bug that showed the selected currency in the scope of a widget as changeable although the dashboard belongs to another user
  • Fixed missing translation in the mange groups dialog
  • Fixed the sorting of levels in the White Spot Matrix
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to remove an already set product group in an opportunity
  • Fixed a bug that prevented new users from getting the default set of activated notifications
  • Fixed a bug that hid a multi tag field in the measure upload template excel
  • Fixed a bug that led to mails only be sent if a user was mentioned in a comment


Features and Improvements

  • Add handling of incompletely filled out measures in the white spot widget
  • Add the possibility to filter measure in the activity list widget (just like in the activities view)
  • Newly created Sign-Ins by admins will have “Don't request a specific authentication context” activated by default


  • Fix a bug that resulted in non-deleted tags when they weren’t used anymore in combination with the Opportunity Space
  • Fix some ui issues with small bars and activated sum labels in the process bar chart
  • Fix a bug with unresolved currencies in the calculation history after a currency was deleted by the admin


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to permanently show the potential in all run ups without mouse over
  • Add the possibility to permanently show the potential in the process bar chart without mouse over
  • Add missing total sum in the tooltip of the live run up
  • Stable colors in dashboards for attributes with twelve or less elements (e.g. the level decision has the same color in all widgets now)
  • Stacking order and the order of elements in the tooltip are now matching
  • Combine deleted users in the custom bar chart into one entry


  • Fix a bug where levels got lost in the Live Run Up over time
  • Fix missing processes in White Spot Matrix Drilldown
  • Fix the deletion of unused tags in the Opp Space
  • Fix a bug where users got an error when they invited new users inside the measure
  • Improve wording for a notification to make it clearer when the notification will be triggered
  • Fix an empty drill down in the custom bar chart for tree fields


Features and Improvements

  • Rename roles to groups and implement nesting of groups
  • Make Opp responsible changeable
  • Add descriptions at widgets
  • Add unsupported browser version page
  • Improve performance on dashboards with many widgets
  • Improve query cancellation in backend
  • Complete tree structure in Measure and Opportunity table
  • Smooth some edges of the white spot matrix
  • Remove the contributor tag


  • Fix setting of reminders on activities


Features and Improvements

  • Improve performance in measure detail view and while updating measures
  • Improve performance in news feed by accelerating the “Last Viewed Processes” widget


  • Fix missing entries in drilldown in Process Bar Chart and White Spot Matrix
  • Fix incorrect currency in calculation history
  • Fix ignored notification setting for comments on processes


Features and Improvements

  • Performance improvements in process filtering
  • Make the numeric target in the live runup more visible without the need to hover over it


  • Fix a missing label for deleted users in the news feed
  • Make it possible to remove the target in the live runup widget
  • Fix opportunity ID shown in admin section
  • Fix display of material groups with material number in tree selects
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to create new process views
  • Fix a bug that made it possible to create more than one effect with the same attributes


Features and Improvements

  • Change the order of levels in the live run up widget
  • Improve performance of effect excel upload
  • Add an opportunity overview for admins with the possibility to archive opps


  • Fix that trees are shown as flat lists in scope selection
  • Fix that trees are shown as flat lists in opportunity filters
  • Fix BadRequest errors when trying to update discarded measures via excel upload


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to set an assignee with the excel importer
  • Improve validation of forecast probabilities in historic run up widget


  • Fix resolving of multi choice fields in Opportunities tables
  • Add proper error message for users that were already deactivated before they could accept the invite
  • Fix date range label in protential kpi widget when more than one fiscal year of range is selected
  • Reduce number of error messages for users that are only allowed to use the dashboards
  • Fix some translations in the excel importer
  • Fix a bug where fields were empty when an opportunity was opened from the news feed


Features and Improvements

  • Improve excel import of tree fields when multiple leafs of the tree have the same name


  • Fix filtering of ideas of the current user


Features and Improvements

  • Better error handling for our text editor
  • Improve error message when a measure does not exist


  • Fix issues with activity sorting in measure detail view
  • Fix issues with the mobile subnavigation in several places
  • Fix a bug where user role changes were allowed in frontend (but disallowed in backend) although all user seats were taken
  • Fix a bug in the White Spot widget when using the Drill-Down with large tree fields
  • Fix excel upload for fields where it is possible to create new values inside the measure
  • Fix handling of request errors whole uploading invalid effects category values
  • Fix a bug that crashed the application while using Valuedesk without LocalStorage of the browser
  • Fix missing translation errors in a few places
  • Fix a bug in the notifications popup of a measure
  • Fix an error while downloading files
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to change the time of an activity reminder
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to filter on users after changing the “is allowed to filter on users” user permissions
  • Fix a bug that resets unsaved changes in the opportunity detail view after reacting to the opp
  • Fix a bug that occurred after fast clicking on a newly created activity
  • Fix a bug when opening Valuedesk with the Activities view
  • Fix a missing length check for new tag values in frontend
  • Fix a re-render of the dashboard view when viewing long tooltips
  • Fix mentioning of deleted or unknown users
  • Fix the selection of deciders for users that are not responsible for the measure
  • Fix sorting of fiscal year potentials inside a gate


Features and Improvements

  • Improve performance of White Spot Matrix


  • Fix typo in notification settings
  • Fix select for trees in filter conditions
  • Fix handling of trees in measure-importer


Features and Improvements

  • Add a widget that offers a new live run up
  • Add a widget that shows you how many processes and how much potential is “on track” or “delayed”
  • Add a widget that shows you the potential of all selected processes


  • Fix a bug where some drilldown configurations in the White Spot widget led to an error


Features and Improvements

  • Add the White Spot Matrix Widget
  • Add the Comment Stream Widget
  • Add possibility to export potentials per month in csv
  • Visual optimizations for the funnel widget


  • Add missing currency identifier on efficiency columns in the csv export
  • Fix an error that occurred when users without opportunity space access configured their notifications
  • Fix a bug where changes made in the calculation table wheren’t synced immediately in the workflow view
  • Fix forwarding to the opportunity space after login when coming from a mail
  • Fix consecutive idea reactions when api requests are too slow
  • Fix a bug that made the complete decision button active although it wasn’t in a valid state


Features and Improvements

  • Visual optimizations for the funnel widget


  • Fix a bug that occurred after returning to the feed after scrolling down a lot of posts
  • Fix a bug where the “Discard” button was active although another user was selected and requested for decision (Nothing happened if the button was clicked except an error message)


Features and Improvements

  • Processes can now have effects with different currencies (multi currency)
  • Extended permission that allows to edit completed processes to also allow editing of discarded processes


  • Reactivating a user no longer creates a “User has been added” entry in the news feed
  • The measure history now indicates that a process has been discarded on behalf of another user


Features and Improvements

  • Add a new widget that shows the potential of processes as a funnel
  • Add the possible to manage the content of multiple tree selection fields for admins


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to set certain fields as mandatory before a level can be completed


  • Fix a bug that caused a crash when inserting tables in text fields
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to save the user profile when empty fields get filled
  • Fix a few UI issues with smaller screens in the feed view
  • Remove invalid selectable permissions in the role configurator
  • Fix minimal height of the column configuration dialog of tables
  • Fix a server error when reordering activities
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to switch the authentication provider for already added domains
  • Fix a bug of the text editor where not all changes were saved correctly
  • Fix a bug where product groups were not shown in the csv export
  • Fix the table sorting in the Method Explorer
  • Fix a bug where auto-registered users had no role after the first login


Features and Improvements

  • Improve potential calculation for measures with uncompleted ACT level
  • Added measure filter in activities view
  • Improved performance of global search and suggestions of related and already existing processes and opportunities when creating new ones


  • Fix errors in method view if method field is not available
  • Fix sorting of IDs in tables in admin area
  • Add missing headline for field in user profile
  • Add missing translation for unknown process names
  • Fix formatting of measure information in news feed



  • Fix a bug that occurred when entering very long search strings in the Opportunity Space
  • Add check for duplicate domains in admin section


Features and Improvements

  • Add suggestions of related and already existing processes when creating a new one, based on the title of the new process


  • Add missing duplicate check in frontend in admin domains section
  • Fix parsing of mentions in description columns of the measure table
  • Fix a bug where a combination of effect category values was possible to select although an effect category with these values already existed
  • Reduce data refetching when an Opportunity gets liked


Features and Improvements

  • Improve sorting of global search results and improve UI
  • PDF files in process document list should be opened in new tab
  • Improve wording for "overdue" activities
  • Consistent spelling for "favorite"


  • Fix length check for input of user profile fields
  • Correctly handle duplicate email error with proper status code


Features and Improvements

  • Improve performance in new feed
  • Reduce the complexity of the navigation in Opportunity Space
  • Replace the text editor with a more robust and better alternative


  • Fix some wording issues
  • Fix some UI nitpicks
  • Fix loading behavior in news history of a process


Features and Improvements

  • Introduce Opportunity status - open, discarded and converted
  • Reduce the complexity of the navigation in Opportunity Space
  • Optimize feed entry visibility when archiving processes


  • Fix a bug that caused a crash when selecting a filter inside a widget with product groups
  • Minimize unnecessary refetching in Opportunity Space to improve performance
  • Fix some UI issues


Features and Improvements

  • Show the level hint only for the current level permanently


  • Fix a bug where the decider couldn’t be removed from a decision
  • Fix enabled “Add activity” button on levels when the measure is discarded
  • Fix an error the occurred when a decider was added to a measure as a non-responsible person
  • Fix a bug where no Feed entry was created for new users
  • Fix a bug that made it possible to filter by users in the idea widget for all users


Features and Improvements

  • Improve string sorting in tables. Tables are now sorted case insensitive.
  • Opportunities can be liked. The number of likes are shown on the opportunity tiles and in the table.
  • Eisenhower Matrix in dashboard widget. The matrix is now shown as a widget and can be configured similar to the opportunity space.


  • Old search configs with person filter were broken sometimes
  • Images in opportunities and process descriptions were not replaced with an emoji
  • Widget config filter dialog counter was wrong


Features and Improvements

  • Streamlined the new feed to show only essential process updates, reducing noise from less important changes


  • Resolved an issue that prevented the new feed from loading when process description is not available


Features and Improvements

  • Remove the personFilter feature flag. All clients have been configured to allow user filtering only with permissions before, so the feature flag was not needed anymore
  • Deciders (users with the permission “can always decide”) can now be selected in the decision level, even if they do not participate in the process yet. On selection, a confirm dialog opens and the user will be both added to the process and selected as decider
  • Two new columns are available in Grid and process list widgets: “Number of comments” and “Last commented at”


  • Feed 2.0
    • Fix missing translations for some older feed entries
    • Feed entries display the correct client-specific ids now (instead of global technical ids)
    • Respect the user’s language when formatting numbers in the feed entries
  • Improve error message for an empty role name when creating/editing roles
  • Column configuration scrollbar is not clipped anymore
  • The responsible user of a level can be changed again. The avatar was not clickable before


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to export the Opportunity list as CSV
  • Requesting a decision is now only possible when the decision is the current level
  • Improve wording for document and photo uploads


  • Fix a bug where the EffectCategory modal didn’t reset after creating an EffectCategory
  • Fix validation of EffectCategories while editing them


Features and Improvements

  • Add a new list widget for opportunities in our dashboard
  • Add new default filter “Completed” in processes.
  • Improve wording to distinguish between Activities in the main navbar and Activities tab in processes
  • Improve wording in emails and add a hint to the notification settings
  • Align the general design in the admin section
  • Improved design of the Welcome Box on the news site


  • Add missing length check for the name of process views
  • Bring back the opportunity creator chip inside an opp


Features and Improvements

  • Add column configuration for Opp Space table
  • Add additional sorting for table columns (opps)
  • Remove "Not set" entries from Opps table and replace it with an empty cell
  • Remove anonymous feature for ideas/opportunities
  • Add blank dashboard widget with default configuration for commonly used widgets


  • Fix a bug where users couldn’t promoted to admin level because of a reached user limit
  • Fix enabled but non functional create button in protected view
  • Fix date range selection to respect the correct date borders
  • Fix a bug where the link to a new widget only brought you to the middle of the dashboard
  • Fix a bug where the Opps table showed the loading state for very short time although data was loaded
  • Fix a few UI nitpicks
  • Fix invalid public api swagger file



  • Fix missing translation in Opportunity history
  • Fix broken search for customer specific fields in Opp/Idea Space


Features and Improvements

  • Consider opportunities/ideas in global search
  • Add notification mails for opportunity creator when an opportunity gets updated by another user


  • Fix a bug where the X-Axis selection wasn’t respected in the matrix tooltip
  • Fix a bug where empty bars were shown in the process bar chart although they were excluded via scope
  • Fix a bug where the global search had an endless loading state when the last character was a space
  • Fix some search inputs without search icon
  • Fix opportunity history for not set sliders
  • Fix invite of new users inside processes


Features and Improvements

  • Workflow improvement: No need to save an Opp/Idea before converting
  • UX/UI: Implement cohesive spacing and spacing rules


  • Fix search in Opps/Ideas Space
  • Fix a bug that reloaded the Opps/Ideas Space when pressing enter while using the search


Features and Improvements

  • Add basic table view for Opportunities
  • Estimation sliders are now not set when creating a new Opportunities
  • Sort Opportunities by last modification date
  • New advanced tier permission: "can be responsible for processes"
  • Add additional text to explain the infos from the converted Opportunities inside the process description


  • Fix minor UI details in Activities


Features and Improvements

  • Add the possibility to create Opportunities/Ideas through the main call to action (+)
  • Add the possibility to select a process owner when converting an Opportunity
  • Add the possibility to select a value stream an Opportunity/Idea should be converted to


  • Fix disabled copy external link button when a process is discarded
  • Fix a bug that created multiple Effect Categories with the same fields inside a process
  • Fix a bug where the discard hint wasn’t shown when a process gets discarded without a decider set


Features and Improvements

  • Add possibility to filter for not set values in opportunity space


  • Fix news message when a process gets a new responsible person
  • Fix history entry when a decider gets selected by another user



  • Fix current user not selectable for self-decision


Features and Improvements

  • Input components size adjustment
  • Remove unnecessary full user permission
  • Convert Opportunities into customer wide visible measures


  • Fix a bug that prevented Opportunities to be opened when filtered
  • Fix a bug where users could be invited although user limit was reached
  • Fix wrong hint when a dashboard title is too long
  • Fix misleading text after discarding a process in the decision level (still needs rework)
  • Fix misc ui errors


Features and Improvements

  • Better analysis functionality for trees in custom bar chart widget through aggregation
  • Wording improvement in Opportunity Space for “estimated effort”
  • Improve wording of title placeholder for new opportunities
  • Improve validation of date ranges in frontend to show better hints
  • Show a more helpful error message for overlong measure title


  • Fix grammar mistakes in MethodExplorer
  • Fix a bug with very long dashboard names
  • Fix a bug when deleting a duplicated dashboard


Features and Improvements

  • Group activities of deleted users into one entry in activities view when grouping assignee or creator
  • Add the possibility to select default roles for new users
  • Add permission "Can decide processes on his/her own” for users



  • Fix handling of very long supplier/partner names
  • Fix a bug which prevented mandatory fields from being cleared



  • Fix status code for not available files
  • Fix a bug that resulted in crashes when effect categories had empty effect category values
  • Fix switching of roles when seat limits are reached


Features and Improvements

  • Allow search for IDs in Opp Space search
  • Fix invitation of users with email addresses that end with subdomains


  • Fix last login date of users in admin section
  • Fix styling issues in role table in admin section


Features and Improvements

  • Add a new permissions to control access on company wide processes


  • Fix tootip text for rolling runup widget
  • Add missing fallback view for users without access to any view
  • Fix broken department fields in run-up for FY 2022


Features and Improvements

  • Add a permission to configure the users that are allowed to create a process
  • Improve wording for customer-specific methods


  • Fix a bug that resulted in an error while converting an opportunity into a process
  • Fix cut-off dropdown for sign-on selection
  • Fix not shown notification alert in a few cases
  • Fix magic link view for completed measures
  • Fix custom tag fields in opportunities


Features and Improvements

  • Introduce a permission set to configure the access to each navbar view individually
  • Add the possibility to add activities directly at the levels in the workflow view


  • Fix a bug in the rolling run-up widget that ignored the set scope
  • Fix a bug in the tree selection that led to inconsistent states
  • Fix elevation and border in activities view
  • Fix a bug where idea fields were empty after selecting a value
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to copy email or phone numbers from user popups


Features and Improvements

  • Add column and filter for number of activities without responsible person
  • Add possibility to duplicate roles
  • Implement seat limits based on roles tiers


  • Fix a few grammar errors
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to delete unused roles
  • Fix incorrect UI borders
  • Fix missing tooltips for permissions
  • Remove the word initiative from discard reasons


Features and Improvements

  • Add user roles
    • Admins can now group permissions into roles and assign roles to users
  • Align UI elevation
  • Make contact details clickable in user popover
  • Show level an activity is assigned to in activity list widget
  • Add widget template that shows all measures that weren’t edited in the last 60 days


  • Add missing history entries in opportunities for opportunities that were created before the effort slider was added
  • Fix a bug that made it possible to select deactivated users as measure owners
  • Fix site title in admin sections
  • Fix grammar and wording in a few places
  • Fix blue lines in calculation table for Chrome users


Features and Improvements

  • Add possibility to have customer specific methods
  • Move supplier/partner navbar item into admin section


  • Fix a bug with “My activities” widgets that showed more then only my activities
  • Fix a translation bug in opportunity space
  • Fix a few UI nitpicks


Features and Improvements

  • Filter opportunities by effort
  • Filter opportunities by creator
  • Unify look of primary and secondary buttons


  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to save user settings in admin section when only the authentication provider of a user was changed
  • Fix failing import of old chunks after deploying a new version of Valuedesk
  • Fix representation of inline images in description of process in history
  • Fix a bug that redirected users to a previously visited page after login when logged out with multiple tabs open
  • Fix wrong border color filter select in opportunity space
  • Fix missing magic link token after login in magic link view


Features and Improvements

  • Show number of opps and potential sum in Opportunity Space
  • Configurable axis for potential matrix


Features and Improvements

  • Add functionality to duplicate widgets
  • Improve text and information who can see a private process


  • Fix UI bug where a selected activity wasn’t highlighted in the activities tab of a process
  • Reduce unnecessary api calls to improve performance
  • Fix missing magic link token in url after login


Features and Improvements

  • Add effort estimation to opportunities
  • Improve validation of company input data
  • Improve axis scaling in run-up diagram


  • Info boxes in Newsfeed consider all processes of a client
  • Fix error when user without access to the opportunity space open a processes which is converted from an opportunity
  • Fix enabled filter selection in activities widgets of shared dashboards
  • Fix failing mimetype check on avatar upload
  • Fix multiple UI nitpicks
  • Fix error while adding new partners/suppliers in measures
  • Fix an error with the measure id filtering on public api
  • Fix an error while editing domains in admin section
  • Fix a bug that redirected the user to a non-existing page when the users logs in with the protected measure view open
  • Fix an error while favoriting measure multiple times
  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to edit the effort of an activity of closed measure for users who are allowed to do this
  • Fix a bug that altered the view port in filter selection with very long tags


Features and Improvements

  • Add possibility to filter activity list widgets by assigned to or creator


  • Fix orientation of new uploaded user avatars
  • Fix a bug that resulted in too many loading indicators on the profile page when changing the user avatar
  • Fix favoriting of methods
  • Fix crash when opening the activities in the magic link view
  • Fix an inconsistency when an EffectCategory gets changed on it’s attributes and the calculation values in the same


Features and Improvements

  • Add Two-Factor-Authentication
  • Add column to grid that shows editors of a measures (includes possibility to filter)
  • Add columns to grid that show the efficiency of a measure based on potential and effort (Only for customers with activated effort estimation)
  • Improve UX off the measure access button


  • Fix error while uploading larger images
  • Fix a bug that made jpeg file much bigger after upload
  • Fix wording issues in legend of process bar chart widgets
  • Fix a bug that prevented an overwrite of some translations


Features and Improvements

  • Process bar widgets with vertical bars
  • Redesign of navbar in MethodExplorer
  • Add a permission to edit completed processes


    • Fix a bug that resulted in unformatted estimated effort and tracked time in csv exports
    • Fix graphical issue with measure badges in measure preview
    • Fix a bug that trapped users in unreachable dashboards
    • Fix a bug that showed the create opportunity modal when accessing non-existent opportunities
    • Fix a bug that resulted in invalid scope configurations in desk or grid when using differently configured value streams
    • Fix a few UI issues


    Features and Improvements

    • Restructure admin section for future work on roles
    • Add skeletons for widgets to improve user experience while waiting for data
    • Improve performance of opportunity space


    • Fix a bug that showed the CSV-Export entry on widgets even when the user was missing the permission
    • Fix a bug that prevented the resolving of department names in measure history


    Features and Improvements

    • Make it easier to find where you can create "Measures"
    • Add csv export for process list widgets
    • Add loading state optimizations in Processes and Activities tab to make the UI more responsive
    • Add a hint for company wide dashboards and wigets when they can not be edited
    • Enhance default width for title, description and ID columns in grids
    • Improve the indicator when an EffectCategory is not completely filled
    • Add link to english GDPR page for users with English language settings
    • Tooltips for activity titles should only appear if the title is not fully displayed


    • Fix a bug where widgets templates where shown for clients although there weren’t the necessary fields configured
    • Fix a bug that caused dropdowns to open down even if there is not enough space on screen


    Features and Improvements

    • New run-up widgets will be created for the current year
    • Improve message when a decider can not be selected
    • Allow non-ISO currency codes


    • Fix magic link view for processes created out of opportunities
    • Fix redirect when logging in with SSO
    • Fix a bug that caused the calculation table to rendered in the wrong layout
    • Fix a bug that made it impossible to discard a measure


    Features and Improvements

    • Add a combined ACT+FC data series for rolling forecast


    • Fix a bug which caused activity history entries to be displayed with "0" when deleting the description of an activity
    • Fix flickering of create/edit modal for opportunities
    • Fix a bug where the length of markdown input wasn’t correctly checked
    • Fix sorting of activities by their assignee
    • Fix a bug that caused the target line of the rolling forecast widget to be rendered behind visible bars
    • Fix condition that renders a back button when accessing an invalid magic link
    • Fix timezone in magic link view
    • Fix a bug that caused a file to stay selected after a successful upload
    • Fix rendering of images in descriptions


    Features and Improvements

    • Add the possibility to disable the "stacked by" in the custom bar chart widget
    • Add the possibility to display data as bars in rolling forecast widget
    • Add target line in rolling forecast widget


    • Fix a bug that showed the option to refresh a magic link in the measure magic link view itself although it isn’t possible
    • Fix the default filter condition for new rolling forecast widgets
    • Fix redirect after deleting a dashboard
    • Streamline borderRadius through the application (UI)
    • Fix gradient in opportunity tiles (UI)
    • Fix wrong text if no opportunities were found in search
    • Fix various styling issues (UI)
    • Fix timezone issue when creating a reminder for tasks


    Features and Improvements

    • Added a new widget “Run-up diagram: PLAN + FC”


    • Fix a bug that showed the create dashboard modal after renaming a dashboard twice
    • Fix a bug that caused an error in magic link after a few seconds
    • Fix a bug that caused a measure not to update after editing a measure in the calculation table
    • Fix a bug where the initial toggle wasn’t flipped if an initial value was entered in the calculation table
    • Fix a bug that resulted in missing history entries for description changes of opportunities
    • Fix an error that occured when opening discarded measures
    • Fix a bug where the news feed was opened when entering Valuedesk via an email link to a measure
    • Fix bulk operations on measures for admin users
    • Fix a bug that made it possible to discard a measure without reason or statement


    Features and Improvements

    • Add possibility to filter opportunities
    • Add user icons in dashboard selection to show who is the owner of a public dashboard
    • Improve misleading texts in news feed
    • Add label text to opportunity creator


    • Fix a bug that added the newest changes on an activity to the bottom of the history
    • Fix a few cut off texts in run-up widget
    • Fix a bug that caused the “Request again” button of a decision to stay disabled


    Features and Improvements

    • New possibility to manage departments in for admins
    • Add changes to custom fields in opportunitiy history
    • Improve performance of CSV Export function


    • Fix an unlikely case that lead to errors in idea history
    • Fix a bug that made it impossible to regenerate magic links for closed measures
    • Fix that select inputs always opened to the bottom, even when there was no space left
    • Fix layout of user profile on small screens
    • Fix layout of fields in opportunities


    Features and Improvements

    • UX improvements regarding tabs in Opportunity modal
    • Further performance tweaks


    • Fix mouseover on disabled fields not working
    • Properly reset create domain modal while creating multiple ones
    • Fix a bug that led highlighted partner/supplier fields as invalid although it was valid
    • Fix a bug that resulted in not loaded comments of completed processes
    • Fix sorting of opportunity history entries


    Features and Improvements

    • Added the possibility to share a link to a dashboard
    • Improve performance in activities list
    • Added transition of field values from opportunity to process when field is available in both
    • Make gate completion hint more visible
    • Add “My level responsibilities” widget template
    • Display idea field changes in history
    • Remove “Can see all effects” permission


    • Fix resolving of mentions in opportunity history
    • Improve texts in profile settings
    • Fix datetime formatting in mails
    • Fix a bug that caused all profile pictures to be rendered round
    • Fix position of opportunity tooltip


    Features and Improvements

    • Improved performance
    • Improved UI for opportunities
    • Add history entries for custom fields of opportunities
    • Add departments section for admins


    • Fix a bug that caused a crash while sharing the magic link
    • Fix a bug that enabled the edit magic link button for all users although it wasn’t possible to edit
    • Fix Inconsistency of date formats in admin user section
    • Fix a bug that preveted the invite of new contributor when full users reached the seat limit
    • Fix a bug that showed notification toggles for all users
    • Fix a bug that caused a wrong current level of a measure in measures table of the admin section


    Features and Improvements

    • Add tooltip for comany names in scope selection
    • Improve "Link expired" message for expired invitation links
    • Make user avatar clickable in opportunity space
    • Add possibility to filter for unassigned activities


    • Fix a bug where user is still the process owner after being relegated to contributor
    • Fix a bug that caused wrong results of processes when users filtered with zero values in some conditions
    • Fix a bug where it was impossible to discard a measure in the decision gate if it was the last gate of a process
    • Fix typo in "Aktivitätsvorlage"


    Features and Improvements

    • Add possibility to add configurable fields to opportunities
    • Add possibility to filter activities by person
    • Improve alignment of history texts in opportunities
    • Add success message after creation of an opportunity
    • Change default ordering of processes in admin section to ID descending
    • Change default filter condition on favorite filters to “is favorite”
    • Add a date column in admin section when a process was archived


    • Fix a bug that prevented editing of magic links after a process is completed
    • Fix a bug that caused a error message after deleting an opportunity
    • Fix a bug that caused “Deleted User” entries in filter conditions on user fields
    • Fix a bug that caused automatic translation of the Valuedesk App in Microsoft Edge
    • Fix a bug that caused some unresolved entries in process history for multi fields
    • Fix a bug that rendered the calculation table without any values
    • Fix a bug that caused company fields in process sidebar to be empty in Magic Link view


    Features and Improvements

    • Optimize text in Mail2Measure verification
    • Better visualization of discarded measures in global search
    • Add “is not set” filter condition for currency fields
    • Change contributor invite, such that they are editors by default
    • Improve behavior of decision for client that have a more strict configuration
    • Show hint if measure title is too long


    • Fix typo in companies part of admin section
    • Fix a bug that allowed to delete companywide views
    • Add link to privacy policy on mobile devices
    • Fix a bug that allowed contributors to be selected as internal contact person
    • Fix a bug that led to wrong start and end date of effectiveness for measures with non-linear effects


    Features and Improvements

    • Add history for opportunities
    • New default notification settings for new created user
    • Replace logout icon
    • Add displayname as column in user admin section


    • Fix a bug that caused the measure total summary in desk to show 0 processes
    • Fix a bug that made it impossible to scroll in dashboards when mouse is over a tooltip
    • Fix alignment in opportunities modal
    • Fix initial state of sliders in create opportunity modal
    • Fix styling in dashboards context menu
    • Fix drag & drop for activities
    • Fix fontsize in calculation table
    • Fix not visible history entries after changing the decider
    • Fix a bug that caused the apply actvitiy template button to be not visible although a template is available
    • Fix a bug that led to no history entry for re-requesting decisions
    • Fix inconsistent wording in implementation gate
    • Fix link to english knowledge base


    Features and Improvements

    • Improve hint when no data is available for a widget
    • Add mentions in comments for opportunities


    • Fix a typo in date placeholders
    • Fix a bug that caused a very shaky email input on the login screen
    • Removed “is any of” and “is none of” filter operator for currency fields


    Features and Improvements

    • Add possibility to comment on opportunities
    • Improve performance of favorite measure in desk view
    • Add widget template "My Favorites"
    • Add possibility to add a default currency for a ValueStream


    • Fix a bug where magic link view crashed if product group was removed from a measure
    • Fix picture download in newsfeed on mobile devices


    Features and Improvements

    • Improve performance of AccessControl modal in measures with many users
    • Show measure potential in my activities if I group by measures and order by potential
    • Add possibility to duplicate an existing dashboard
    • Redesign of implementation level
    • Small UI improvements of AccessControl info in measures
    • Disable 'Delete Avatar' button while a new avatar upload is in progress


    • Fix invalid filters on user fields that led to errors
    • Fix a bug where the UI made the wrong assumption that a measure is claimable which  led to an error
    • Fix a bug where method segments couldn’t be resolved in filter conditions
    • Fix a bug that caused product groups to be ignored in the advanced method search of the MethodExplorer
    • Fix button alignment in share measure link hint
    • Fix a bug which made it impossible to convert opportunities to measures on mobile devices
    • Fix a bug that caused custom text fields to not be sorted
    • Fix a bug that caused server errors when filtering by date with the “is not set” operator
    • Fix a bug which caused process list widgets to show an error while fetching data
    • Fix newsfeed status message of measures that were commented
    • Fix some typos in a hint for inviting contributors
    • Fix some incorrectly used fonts 


    Features and Improvements

    • Relate activities to levels
      • Add activity progress indicator in header of all levels
      • Add level chip in activity lists
    • "Days until effectiveness" back to Desk tiles


    • Fixed: Button alignment of alert components
    • Fixed: Grid and Desk can disappear when using the default view


    Features and Improvements

    • Improvement of available operators in filter configuration
    • Support center and contact person are shown in the navigation bar


    • Fixed: Enter already existing ID in MultiIntegerInput closes widget config dialog
    • Fixed: Umlauts are not properly displayed in filenames of uploaded documents
    • Fixed: Wrong effect category options after selection


    Features and Improvements

    • Improve text "Last seen processes" such that it's clear that is about "My last viewed processes"


    • Fixed: Wrong sized currency select in process view
    • Fixed: It's not possible to save widgets without filter conditions
    • Fixed: Number of activity comments don't update in activity list
    • Fixed: Enter closes widget config when entering multiple IDs



    • Fixed message behavior after changing title



    • Fixed error messaging for titles which are too long


    Features and Improvements

    • Filtering and grouping by responsible person in run-up widgets


    • Fix redirect to “offline page” when uploading a file
    • Fix flickering of summary in desk when favoriting a measure
    • Fix not visible filename with certain aspect ratios in image preview
    • Fix wrong entries in “last seen processes” for new users



    • Fix error in CustomBarChart for all users that can not filter for users


    Features and Improvements

    • Invite contributors in process view
    • Image preview in process document section


    • Fix document title in invite confirm view
    • Fix filtering with multiple “equals” operators
    • Fix redirect to “offline page” when uploading a file while deployment is in progress
    • Fix wipe of all value when pasting of values in calculation table
    • Reset add view modal on cancel
    • Fix wrong settings after switching desk/grid views
    • Fix view saving after deleting a filter
    • Fix update on description didn’t update of “Last modified”
    • Fix error when removing the method in a process
    • Fix possibility to save incomplete filters for widgets
    • Fix multi selection is behaving unresponsive
    • Fix resolving of custom fields in history


    Features and Improvements

    • Improve performance of “last viewed” widget


    • Fix missing update of “Last modified” field after changing the measure description
    • Fix placement of date picker in activity view


    Features and Improvements

    • Add my last viewed measures widget in the feed
    • Add notification if a user gets responsible for a process
    • Update date picker component


    • Avoid duplicate filter names
    • Fix clearing favorite value in filter breaks the filter
    • Improve “no permissions” error message
    • Fix filter operators for date fields
    • Fix search in admin process view section
    • Improve validation of date ranges



    • Prevent requests in dashboard with missing permissions
    • Fix not working mail reply checks



    • Fix empty filter selection if deleted filter isn’t saved by the user
    • Fix effect calculation of extra costs with formulas



    • Fix crash while sorting documents
    • Fix error while changing password for users with sso configured
    • Fix bug where calculation table wasn’t updated after copy action


    Features and Improvements

    • Legend items in dashboard widgets are sorted consistently (e.g. levels, methods)
    • If a dashboard widget requires permissions which the user does not have (e.g. for client-wide dashboards), a meaningful error message is now shown.


    Features and Improvements

    • More robust handling of reload after deployments
    • Improve performance of activities view
    • Remove “From Suppliers/Partners” filter if customer has “Source of idea” field deactivated


    • Fix scope selection
    • Prevent empty activity titles
    • Fix filter with source of idea field for some customers
    • Better check for image extensions on avatar upload



    • An additional “total” column without values was shown in the calculation table
    • Swap pivot fields button in custom bar chart config dialog does not move anymore after clicking
    • Do not reset table sorting when editing or creating suppliers in the supplier management view
    • Editing an activity title was slow when there are lots of activities
    • Filter settings for the “My Processes” widget were created wrong for new users
    • Disable “Discard measure” button as long as there is no discard reason selected
    • Do not show loading animation when selecting a method as favorite in method explorer
    • Streamline design of product group selection in filters
    • Improve positioning of date selection popup when reminder is activated


    Features and Improvements

    • Improved error messages


    • Fix validation of currency rates in admin section

    • Fix positioning of date selector in activities

    • Fix navigation for views

    • Fix spacing in activity templates view


    Features and Improvements

    • Add Multi-Dashboards

    • Add sum row for Process List Widget Type

    • Add switch button for pivot fields in custom bar chart

    • Add process pulse to widget templates


    • Fix a bug where users won’t get resolved in shared measure view

    • Make it possible to enter “0” in the Extended Calculation

    • Minor text fixes

    • Fix emoji size

    • Fix default value for new filter conditions

    • Fix unusable password inputs after invitation or password reset

    • Adjust activity template font size to 14px

    • Fix layout of shared measure view


    Features and improvements

    • Add contributor role

    • Consistent wording for stacking dropdown in widget config


    • Fix clickable favorite icon in magic link view

    • Fix misleading error messages while creating or editing domains in admin section

    • Fix status of previously discarded measures if they get reopened

    • Fix a problem with the global search if input contains

    • Ensure decider gets editing rights for a process if selected

    • Fix resolving of discard reasons in history

    • Fix behaviour of product group select component

    • Fix renaming of views

    • Fix hint if domain can’t be deleted



    • Fix updating effect category fields not working



    • Open activities in a measure resulting in methods endpoint error



    • Performance improvements
    • Improve naming of widget templates
    • Unify companies and addresses


    • Fix a bug where a custom filter isn’t applied correctly
    • Fix avatar popup spacing
    • Fix counting of measures in custom bar chart
    • Fix fontsize in product group select



    • Remove old "Report" section


    • Fix edit Supplier dialog - click on cancel doesn't undo changes
    • Fix permission to see all effects not working
    • Fix font setting not consistent in widget settings



    • Mark a measure as favorites
    • Improve feed messages from the Valuedesk system
    • Link from number of activities in grid to activities view in measure


    • Prevent empty filters in widgets
    • Fix font settings in widget configs
    • Update feed after a measure changes
    • Fix disappearing widget config
    • Fix workflow in edit supplier dialog



    • Add Drill-down for custom bar chart widgets


    • Do not sync displayname via SSO if already set in Valuedesk
    • Change the indicator in measure view such “Activities 1/4” means that 1 of 4 activities are completed
    • Reduce size of emoji palette for markdown
    • Reduce spacing of date range select component
    • Reduce fontweight in access control modal
    • Add pointer cursor on clickable bars in widgets


    • Fix headline casing in mails
    • Fix column width is not saved/restored
    • Fix custom bar chart tooltip showing shortened instead of full numbers
    • Fix reduced opacity in runup of previous years



    • Add Run-up diagram: Forecast extension


    • Add Categories for the "Add widgets" modal



    • Add “Registered At” column to the user table in the admin view
    • Aggregate with count of processes in custom bar chart widget


    • Remove clear button from “source of idea” field
    • Fix bug in decision
    • Fix user avatar without profile image
    • Add missing English text for decision reason placeholder
    • Change fiscal year target line color in run-up widget



    • Add “Overdue activities” column in Grid
    • Better depiction for custom bar chart template
    • Add responsible user to pivot fields
    • Add extended color palette to the Dashboard
    • Add sorting for pivot widget
    • Add Scope to Process List Widget Configuration modal


    • Fix shortened number values in run-up widget
    • Search in Admin View tables resets pagination
    • Remove “Deleted User” entries in filters configuration
    • Fix display of deactivated tag fields
    • Fix scope when “Without period under consideration” is selected



    • Quick search for admin view tables
    • Enable dashboards for all users


    • Fix tooltip for viewing effect categories after processes have been completed
    • Fix run-up widget only updating after page reload



    • Toggle to include private measures in custom bar chart widget


    • Improved measure not found page


    • Fix view renaming
    • Fix high values in currency input
    • Fix wrong error message in mail-to-measure verification view
    • Fix unwanted scrolling in the desk view in Firefox browsers
    • Fix tooltip in process pulse



    • ProcessPulse
    • Custom Bar Chart Widget


    • Increase UX of the Scope for processes without a effectiveness time range
    • Remove unnecessary permission checkboxes in admin user section
    • Link process titles in admin section process table


    • Fix "Process Currency" column in Grid does not show any data
    • Fix users will be assigned as editor when they click in a field and select the already selected value
    • Fix "-" causing problems in currency input fields
    • Fix sorting by level in grid not working correctly



    • Add column and filter for decision maker


    • Fix pagination of process tables (Grid, Dashboards, MethodExplorer)



    • Customer logo is limited in width, so better display is guaranteed.
    • Requests are not sent multiple times



    • Fix y-axis scaling for negative targets and values in the run-up diagram



    • Fix status filtering of activities



    • Add grid columns for discard reason and statement
    • Add opacity for discarded rows in grid view
    • Add columns and filters for assignee and due date of current level
    • Add process list widget template: Processes with begin of effectiveness in the next 60 days
    • Add process list widget template: Discarded processes in the last 60 days


    • Fix Measures with EffectCategories and missing potential get filtered with active scope and total range
    • Fix partially hidden EffectCategory attribute selection
    • Prevent user popup from opening the measure in desk
    • Add missing 'my next activities' widget in dashboard after user creation



    • added missing placeholder for grouping select input in run-up widget config
    • added missing widget template for “my next activities”
    • fixed that usernames in the feed were sometimes displayed as “Unknown User”
    • fixed API responses for unknown routes
    • fixed user setup for new users from internal M2M (desk and grid were crashing)



    • Added live data for the current month in the run-up widget in the dashboard view


    • Fixed run-up widget filtering on custom fields in the dashboard view
    • Fixed that users were notified about their own comments
    • Fixed tooltip positioning for long tags in the sidebar of the process view
    • Fixed workflow for editing comments
    • Fixed the tooltip for stacked bar chart reports in the reports view
    • Fixed “view more” for comments in the feed view
    • Fixed translation of custom fields in the history tab of the process view


    New Features

    • Our new Dashboards with the Run-up diagram, Process Tables and Activity Lists


    • When the page size in the Grid is increased, the system now loads all processes for that page
    • Invited users for which SSO is activated afterwards can directly log in
    • The process history shows the discard reason again
    • The tag had problems when adding tags too fast
    • The @mention selection is now fully visible when editing a comment
    • The activity view for magic links does not crash anymore
    • The “Save” button in the notification settings was clickable even without any change



    • New users now have an updated default notification setting, such that not all notifications are enabled anymore
    • The activity list is no longer completely reloaded after an activity has been edited, so the scroll position is now preserved


    • Some loading issues in the “Processes” view are fixed
    • Some users received two notification mails when they were mentioned in a comment
    • The filter condition “is not set” applied on currency values also returned processes with a value of 0
    • Some visual and text fixes



    • It is possible to filter by multiple persons at once (only available when the person filtering is enabled)


    • Grouping in "Activities" by due date is working again
    • Switching the pages in Grid is working again
    • CSV export: When choosing to display the values for each savings / extra costs, then processes are also exported when they have no savings / extra costs yet
    • Uploaded images in processes are visible in the feed without refreshing the application
    • Several typos are corrected



    • The process type selection in Desk and Grid is now saved independentely from each other. When the user switches from Grid to Desk and back to the Grid, then they will find the same process type selection as before.


    • Level responsibilities are now moved to the new responsible person, when the process is claimed by a user from a deactivated user


    New Features

    • It's possible now to upload a company logo in the admin section. This will be shown at the top of the news feed


    • Magic Link View does not crash anymore in the Activities subpage
    • We've fixed a bug which has allowed users to create Effects in a combination which already exists


    New Features

    • Views
      • The user can now create Views to save the configuration of the Desk and the Grid. The Views can be used to have a quick access to the most used configurations
      • A View saves all configuration possibilities in the sidebar: Column selection, Scope, Filters and all other settings.
      • Every user can create their own Views.
      • Moreover we have the possibility to create organization-wide Views for each customers. E.g. for PxC we can create Views for their most important KPIs.

    Further Improvements

    • It's possible now to place (i)-hints next to the level names in the process view with a custom text


    • Fix: "Last created processes" display in the newsfeed showed wrong values for some users
    • Fix: Link to "Open Value Innovation" in the newsfeed is now working again.
    • Fix: Sorting in the Method Explorer by favorites is working again


    Filter Improvement: The Consideration

    • The Consideration is the generalization of the "Period under Consideration". That are filters who modify the values which are displayed in the Desk. For example the Consideration can be used to see the effects for a specific company or KPI

    Desk/Grid process preview

    • In the Desk/Grid the user can preview a process with a dialog and does not have leave the Desk/Grid

    Process Preview

    • From now on a preview of a process can be opened from the Desk and the Grid. A button is shown when the user hovers over the desk tile or title cell
    • The preview shows the following information about the process: Title, Description, ID, Responsible Person and all EffectCategories with their potential and start and end date
    • When the user has the Scope enabled, then they also see which EffectCategories are considered in the current selection


    • The Scope is our new improvement in the sidebar of Desk and Grid
    • It is the generalization of the period under consideration: Additional to the time range it is now possible to filter by the EffectCategory attributes directly in the sidebar
    • Like the period under consideration this filter has also the effect that the potential of each shown process is reduced to the matching EffectCategories
    • In the Desk Tiles is shown which effects of the processes are currently considered. In the process preview it is possible to see this in detail

    Further improvements

    • Filter Relations: We have simplified the selection of the filter relations such that it is easier and better to understand
    • When filtering by Level it is now clear to which process the selectable levels belong to


    • Filter Relation for Dates "is not set" is working again
    • The method detail view shows now the correct processes
    • Sorting by Process Currency in the Grid is now working
    • The PDF export is working again
    • Clicking a mention does not crash the UI
    • Some issues with the selection of attributes for the EffectCategories are fixed