Create and manage tree structures

Learn how to create and manage tree structures in order to fill fields such as reporting entity, work packages, etc.

NOTE: Only users with administration rights can edit tree structures. If you are not authorized for the administration area, please contact the internal contact person.

Proceed as follows to access the administration area:

  1. Click on your profile icon (top right)
  2. Select Administration
  3. Select "Data management" - Tree structures

When do I use tree structures?

If selection fields cannot be represented by a simple list or the list would be too long, tree structures can be created. These are used in measures and opportunities. The configuration of where these tree structures are used can only be carried out by Valuedesk. Please get in touch with your contact person for this.


An example of this is the representation of the OU reporting entities in a tree structure, as this representation is much clearer and makes it much easier for users to use.

How can the tree structures be managed?
The various tree structures can be selected via the drop-down menu at the top left, above the language selection.


"+ Add node"
The "Add Node" button can be used to create a new node, which can then be moved to any position. A new node is automatically created one level below the currently clicked node.

Language selection
The language can be changed by clicking on the flag at the top left.

"Move node"
Clicking on a node and then on the "Move node" button opens a window in which the node can be moved to any position.

NOTE: The node to be moved is always inserted one level below the selected area.

"Adjust order"
By selecting a node and then clicking on "Adjust sorting", the sorting of the elements below the selected node can be adjusted.

How can I create a new top level?
Top levels in the tree can only be created directly by Valuedesk. Please get in touch with your contact person for this.

By clicking on an area and then on the "Rename" button, the German and English name of the field can be customized.

The "Delete" button can be used to delete fields or remove or replace their use.

Do not replace: The node is deleted if it is not in use.
Remove usage: If a node is deleted, "No selection" is entered in all fields in which this node was used.
Replace: If a node is to be deleted and replaced by another node, this can be selected under "Replace". If no node has been selected for replacement, the node is simply deleted.

NOTE: Only fields from the lowest level can be deleted. If nodes with child nodes are to be deleted, the child nodes must be deleted first.