If you have any questions, you can quickly access help. To do so, click on the question mark next to your profile icon.
You can find the help in the navigation behind the question mark icon.
How can I get help with company-related issues?
The internal contact person can help them with company-related questions.
If you don't know who your internal contact is, you can find them in the navigation:
- Click on the question mark directly next to your profile icon, there you will see the internal contact person
How can I get help with technical questions?
The knowledge base will help you with technical questions.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact Valuedesk Support. They will be happy to help you and are constantly expanding the knowledge base so that you can contribute to the quality of the knowledge base with your question.
The Valuedesk Support
If you discover an error (bug) in the software, have technical questions that cannot be answered by the internal contact person or are missing information in our knowledge database, please feel free to contact Valuedesk Support.