What is a "contributor"?

The "contributor" role allows you to add people to your Valuedesk platform without issuing another full license. Contributors can assist with individual processes, but will only see the processes assigned to them.

What roles are available in Valuedesk?

There are two roles in the Valuedesk software solution:

  1. Full access
    1. A personal account with login is required
    2. All possibilities are available
    3. One has view of all processes within the company
    4. Can create new processes
  1. Contributor
    1. A personal account with login is required
    2. Fewer views and options are available
    3. You can only see the processes to which you have been invited
    4. No new processes can be created

Visualization of various roles

Schaubild Rollen

User 1, 2, 5 and 6 are users with "full access". User 3 and 4 are "contributors".

All "full access" users can see all measures except measure 3 (visibility = private). Measure 3 can only be edited by user 2, 6 and the contributing user 3.

User 3 can also edit measure 2. User 4 can only see and edit measure 5.

Explanation of the role "contributor"


  • … can be company-internal employees, but also external employees
  • … are to assist in the implementation of the measure in a supportive manner
  • … can edit measures
  • … see only the measures to which they have been added. Other measures are not visible (see image above).
  • … can be added to the measure by the responsible person in the visibility settings

Frequently asked questions

Why doesn't the contributor see the visible process?

You must explicitly add the contributor to each process so that they can see the process. This also applies to visible processes.

Why can't I select the contributor?

Before you can select a contributor, he or she must be active on the platform. This means that the contributor must have registered once on the platform.

HINT: The desired contributor must have an activated account. This means that the contributor must have been invited by the admin or the authorization is regulated via the SSO connection. After the invitation, the contributor must have logged in at least once (password assigned). After that, he/she is available as a person to be selected and can be invited to the measure.

Why can't I assign an activity to the contributor?

To assign an activity to contributors, you must add the contributors to the process.

Why can't I select the contributor as the responsible person?

The role "contributor" is used to participate in processes. Responsibility for actions can only be assigned to users with "full access".

How can I invite a contributor to our Valuedesk?

Each measure owner can invite contributors to Valuedesk.

  1. Go into your process to which you want to invite a contributor
  2. Click "Access"
  3. In the search box, paste the email address

HINT: Users can only invite contributors with approved email extension (email domain). If you have any questions, please contact your internal contact person.

How can contributors be invited without releasing the domain?

As an administrator, you have the option to invite individual persons. For this purpose, the e-mail domains do not have to be released.
