
Learn how to store and customize different currencies in the system.

NOTE: Only users with administration permission can edit this section. If you are not activated for the administration area, please contact the internal contact person.

Why should I define different currencies?

When using Valuedesk internationally, users should find it as convenient as possible to enter the potential of a measure. For this purpose, you as the administrator can define different currencies in the administration area so that users can use their country-specific currency for entering data. The evaluation and aggregation of all data is displayed in the standard currency as stored in the system (default: EURO).

HINT: If you want to use a different default currency, contact support (

Define currency

  • Click Profilicon > Administration
  • On the left side go to Data management / Currencies
  • Click on the + on the left side in the "currencies" tab
  • in the newly created line you can now enter the name and currency code of the currency
  • in the last column you can also specify the exchange rate by year
  • Save your input with the check mark in the line on the left

Define exchange rate for several years

  • Click on the year in the upper right corner
  • Set the period according to your requirements
  • New columns are created in the currency table
  • Enter the exchange rates of the years accordingly
  • Save your input with the check mark in the line on the left

Change default currency

The default currency of your system will be stored with Valuedesk during the initial software setup. If you do not wish to have your own default currency, Valuedesk will automatically use EURO as the uniform standard. The standard currency enables uniform aggregation of data as well as uniform evaluation.

If you wish to use a different default currency in your evaluations and in the aggregation of all values, please contact support (

HINT: Each user can set a stored currency as default in the personal settings. The personal default currency is automatically used when creating new measures, so that users can make entries in their country-specific currency. You can find more about this in the article Account & Login.