Learn more about the structure of a dashboard, the widgets as well as their configuration.
To view your dashboards, go to Dashboards in the navigation bar.
The first time you open your dashboards, you will see a default dashboard titled "My Dashboard".
How is a dashboard structured?
A dashboard consists of a dashboard title and various widgets. The widgets present the data in a tile and can be configured differently.
The following image illustrates the basic structure of a dashboard.
How can I create a new dashboard?
To create a new dashboard, click on the down arrow next to the dashboard title and select "Create Dashboard." You can also switch between the created dashboards here.
How is a widget structured?
A widget is similar in structure to a dashboard. It also consists of a title (widget title) and displays the data differently depending on the widget type.
To display the widget configuration and change the widget size, move the mouse over a widget. The other icons will appear.
How do I add new widgets and adjust the size and position of a widget?
You can add new widgets to your dashboard via "+ Add Widget". Moreover, you can resize widgets and adjust their position.
NOTE: You find the recently added widget at the bottom of your dashboard.
Overview of all widget types
There are four different widget types. Each widget type is suitable for certain data representation.
Activities list
The activities list is suitable for displaying all activities. As in the "Activities" section (in the navigation bar), the data can be filtered and sorted here.
In the default dashboard you will find the "My next activities" widget, where you can find all your activities sorted by due date. Thus, you'll have a quick access to all your activities and never miss a task again.
When you enter the widget configuration, you can customize the activity list to your needs.
HINT: Remember to change the title so that you always know the function of the widget by its title.
Run-up diagram
The run-up diagram shows you all completed effects in the month of the closing. The values for the fiscal year are cumulated so that you always have an overview of the effects already achieved. If you set a target value, you can also read how many effects you are still missing to reach the target (gap-to-target).
The widget configuration for the run-up chart includes four sections / tabs (see image).
HINT: Remember to change the title so that you always know the function of the widget by its title.
The filter section allows you to filter out certain data. You can access all fields of the processes. A good filtering allows you to quickly find and display the data related to your question.
The forecast allows you to include the effects that have not yet been completed. The percentage values reflect the probability of occurrence of the entire effect in the respective level and can be set individually by you.
NOTE: The forecast is without guarantee. The default values are a suggestion from Valuedesk and can be set individually by you.
Process list
The process list is suitable for tabular representation of all processes.
You will find a widget of the "Process list" type on the default dashboard. It is titled "My processes" and shows you all your processes sorted by start of effectiveness. This way, you always have the most urgent processes at the top of the list and you can counteract the overdue date of these processes.
The widget configuration consists of four sections. Under "General" you assign the widget title.
HINT: Remember to change the title so that you always know the function of the widget by its title.
In the column configuration section you can add the columns to be displayed, adjust the position of the columns and, if necessary, remove them from the view again. A new selection of the columns is possible at any time via the left side of the column configuration.
HINT: By using the search above the selection on the left side you can filter the columns by keyboard input. This will take you even faster to your desired result.
The section "Scope" is a quick filter. Here you can quickly filter by fiscal year (period under review) or company. Depending on the software setup, you will find further selection options.
HINT: If the scope and filter are used simultaneously for the same category, the filter used has the higher priority.
NOTE: When you select a period under consideration the effects will be recalculated for the period of choice. You may get the values for the period and not for the whole process. This happens when the impact period is not equal to the consideration period.
Process bar chart
The process bar chart is a graphical representation of the processes and complements the process list.
The widget configuration of the process bar chart consists of six sections. The "Scope" and "Filter" area are described above.
In the "General" section, you can customize the title as well as the display of the bars and the subdivision of the bars. The selection under "Bar type" influences which data is displayed on the Y/X axis. You can also specify the sorting of the bars and the aggregation.
The "Aggregation" can refer to the sum of the potential as well as to the number of processes. The "Stacked by" setting allows you to add a dimension to the data and display it stacked. Use "Sort by" to sort your selection.
The minimum axis value cannot be greater than the smallest value of the bars. The maximum axis value must be greater than the highest value (e.g. the target value).
In the "Targets" section, individual target values can be entered for the respective subcategories of the field previously selected in "Bars". Targets that do not fall into the selected category of "Bars" are not displayed.
In the "Reference values" section, you can save the current status as a reference using the memory card symbol so that you can compare it with this reference later.
HINT: The selection is only possible once under "Y-axis" and "Stacked by". If the selection is already selected in the other data field, you cannot make the selection again. For the transfer in the selection field, click on the two arrows and swap the selection of the two data fields.